English -> Car -> MODIFICATION -2004.6.3 Updated-


Before I met to LEGACY, my thoght was like this,

"A car is only a tool for movement. It's quite natural that I use it as it is!"

One day I droped in on a book store, and I found the special issue about station wagons. All kind of parts and a lot of cars equipped with them appeared in there. Watching them I think

"I can't understand them who spend about few hundred thousand or a million yen for optional parts though a car itself is too expensive."

Then it was wonderful, after I read this issue many times, I became to think like this,

"I wanna this aero-parts!"

At that time I didn't know this was a first step of devilish temptation......

But I just say, I'm satisfied with the style of LEGACY (BF) basically, so don't want drastic change of that. Then I quit agree with "Yumenosuke" who insist that he likes modification but doesn't like dressing up (It means that modification doesn't change the nature of original style, but dressing up spoils it).

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